High-density polyethylene
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is widely used for manufacturing various goods like film, containers, bottles, plastic parts, home applicances, pipe, blow molding parts and etc. HDPE is an acronym for High Density Polyethylene. High Density Polyethylene is a polyethylene thermoplastic made from petroleum. HDPE is commonly recycled and made into composite wood or plastic lumber
Low-density polyethylene
LDPE is a soft, flexible, lightweight plastic material. LDPE is noted for its low temperature flexibility, toughness, and corrosion resistance. It is not suited for applications where stiffness, high temperature resistance and structural strength are required.
Linear low-density polyethylene
LLDPE is a substantially linear polymer (polyethylene), with significant numbers of short branches, commonly made by copolymerization of ethylene
Polyvinyl Chloride - S
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Polyvinyl Chloride - E
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